Custom Dining by Canadel
Assemble your furniture, step by step, based on life-sized samples. Nearly every aspect of this furniture line is customizable -- from wood type to table top material to leg style to finish color -- giving you almost limitless possibilities for designing the perfect casual or formal dining set to meet your needs and personal taste. Select the model and number of features, the type and colors—even the patterns on the fabric, if you want. The Workshop offers you a practically infinite choice of combinations that will bring a note of distinction to your interiors as unique and refined as you are. Every single piece is made of solid wood. They’re assembled, treated, painted, finished, and packaged by hand, with painstaking care and under scrutinizing quality control. And for your further satisfaction, all manufacturing processes are designed to be environmentally friendly. At Canadel there are no rules and no limitations. Bring richness and harmony to your life by complementing your home with a dining piece that is all about your style and how you live.
Dining Room

Customizable Side Chair - Wood Seat
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